Our Mission

We will do whatever it takes to help as many young people who are having a hard time as possible for however long it takes and no matter how hard it is.

Every day we work with the most vulnerable young people in the Toowoomba community – kids that are left behind, fallen through the cracks, forgotten. A tough cohort of kids that are both resilient and brilliant.

We look for the gold, we give chances, and we do whatever it takes to help them become their best self, reach their true potential and chase their dreams.

Our programs teach skills for life and work, how to have positive interactions with others and help tackle the big stuff they are dealing with. We acknowledge that every single young person we work with is different and no two people ever need the same things in the same way. Using the Circle Of Courage as our foundation model of youth work coupled with innovative & “whatever it takes” approaches to working with the most marginalised kids in our community we can provide direct pathways to our social enterprise café, accommodation in House 360 and referrals to our partners in the community that can assist young people to become the best version of themselves.

We are not a government funded organisation and we operate because of the generosity and goodwill of ordinary people, businesses and philanthropic donation.

Every time someone chooses to support our programs, they are telling these kids “I believe in you” and “I care”. That’s powerful.



From detention to defence force Tyreece Hiles went from life on the streets to an aspiring career in the army. He had a troubled upbringing, surrounded by drug and alcohol abuse and domestic violence. When he found himself in youth detention he didn’t know what lay ahead.


From detention to defence force Tyreece Hiles went from life on the streets to an aspiring career in the army. He had a troubled upbringing, surrounded by drug and alcohol abuse and domestic violence. When he found himself in youth detention he didn’t know what lay ahead.